Visa Requirements

To check whether you need a visa to enter the Republic of Serbia, please visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia website for details on the visa regime and visa requirements.

If you are an author of an accepted paper and require a supportive letter for your visa application, the conference organizers can provide one. Please ensure you register for the conference and contact Prof. Ivan Luković to request the letter.

Note that the supportive letter cannot be considered as an invitation letter, in accordance with Article 27 of the Immigration Law of the Republic of Serbia (“Sl. glasnik RS”, No. 24/2018, 31/2019, and 62/2023). By paying the conference registration fee, you gain access to the full conference program, including lunches, dinners, and social events. However, you are responsible for covering your accommodation, health insurance, and any other personal expenses during your stay in the Republic of Serbia.

Visa applications can be submitted either online or through the appropriate consular department of the Republic of Serbia.

For visa-related inquiries and further assistance, please contact .